Friday, March 21, 2014


So, someone reading this might not know some key things about me, I'm the oldest of 3 kids. We fought when we were little but now there truly is nothing I wouldn't do for my siblings. My husband's included, he is also the oldest of all of his siblings (blended families) and because of that we always feel like we need to "guide" them around our mistakes. For a long time I thought the people I was friends with in High School would be there for every big part of my life, we would always stay friends and my kids would grow up calling them "aunt/uncle so and so" Things changed. I grew up & we went different ways, and I truly am okay with that. It taught me that my family is everything, they might make me crazy but they are my family.

My dad is the Head Coach of the BYU Rugby team, he's contributed a lot to what the program is today, you can read more about them here. He helped start the Varsity Cup with a few other coaches and on top of that is still raising my sister (she's in college) and my brother (he's in high school) and is a Mormon Bishop. Because of my dads involvement in the sport its our family favorite. I spend my Saturdays at the field and have for 23 years. I've gone from playing under the bleachers, to watching in the trees, screaming in the stands and now I'm lucky enough to photograph on the sidelines for my other blog. My little brother plays rugby for a local team here called United. I've taken some pictures at his last two games and its crazy how much I get into it, just ask my sister she won't sit by me sometimes because I'm embarrassing. My brother is the baby so sometimes I forget that he's already 16, getting bigger than me (I'm the shortest of my siblings) and doing all the stuff teenage boys do, I still see him as the little boy we taught how to walk and played Crash Team Racing with. I'm proud of him for playing tho, the kid is pretty busy, between rugby, soccer and a social life homeboy still manages to make the Honor Roll, so this ones for you little bro. Love ya! & thanks for letting me take your pictures!

***My brother is number 12, the pasty white kid that looks just like me

1 comment:

  1. O look at wee Gav!!! Wish we could come up and see him play!!!!!


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