Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lewis Family & Newborns

Well, it has been an extremely busy 3 weeks. Rugby season has started up again so taking pictures consumes my Saturday's and editing consumes my Sundays, then I work full time so yay! Anyways, I drove up to Whitney's house for these and I LOVE them! Some of these Whit hasn't even seen yet but don't worry, I'm sending the drive tomorrow! So, Whit if you're reading this I'm sorry it took so long.
I love the drive to their house because I love the canyon but on the way back it went from lightly snowing and then I drove around the Sundance turnoff and BAM couldn't see ANYTHING! I actually almost wrecked my car (I'm talking mere inches before I would have) but somehow by the grace of God I didn't. Prayers people, they work.

Congrats Ash & Whit- he's perfect!

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