Saturday, March 29, 2014

McArthur Family photos

Today was madness. I left the house early this morning to scout out places for pictures, had 2 hours to kill before the rugby game so I just bummed around P-town. Shooting the rugby games is always a blast for me, I completely zone out and just enjoy the game, so sorry if anyone talks to me and I don't answer, I truly do not hear you. The 1st half of the game was easily the best half I have seen BYU play all year so yay for that. The second half was a little rough but the 1st half gave them enough wiggle room. Then I met my cousins, who came to the game and we went up Provo Canyon to take some family pictures. They are super cute and I love them. Today was looong and I got to do what I love doing, but I am so excited to go to bed...

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