Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Okay, so I took a hiatus I guess.. #slacker
I took these pictures of my cousins family a couple weeks ago & we were magically able to get a smaller canvas print done for Christmas (the main one showed up like the day after.. lame) for my Aunt. From what I know, she cried because she was so happy to get them. Talk about heart warming. All in all it was a great time, it was about 3 degrees outside and so darn sunny I was ready to scream but everyone was good about it. I was just happy that we got 26 people in the same picture. It made for some good ones though :)

Yay for everyone! 

Love this of my aunt & uncle

1 comment:

  1. Love that you did these pics for us :) I absolutely love them :) Thanks Cuz!!!!


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