Wednesday, January 8, 2014

today is the day!

so.. let me take you back, I was 5 years old looking in the nursery of the labor & delivery ward of the hospital at my cousin sleeping. fast forward almost 20 years and he's about to go on his LDS mission. he will spend the next 2 years of his life serving the lord and the people of Omaha, Nebraska & get this, he gets to go to the MTC in mexico & learn spanish! lucky duck. i was lucky enough to take their family pictures last weekend, i kept him in a suit for all of them because i wanted to set him apart. he'll spend the next 2 years other than p-days in suits so i hope he likes them.

Nathan, I just want to take a minute to say how proud I am of you for faithfully & selflessly serving the Lord, you will be a blessing to the people of Omaha & are a blessing to your family. Good luck & God bless. 

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