Monday, January 13, 2014

Spring Fever..

Okay, I love winter. I love the snow, I mean hello I live in Utah of coarse I love the snow but it hasn't really snowed a good snow in about 2 weeks. I need a huge blizzard! If not then lets move on to summer. Mr & I have made it a goal to go do something on his weekends off this summer. Be it hiking, going to Moab, camping, going to our cabin or whatever it is we are taking advantage of our beautiful state. Lately its all I can think about. I mean I am so crazy about summer weather I was shopping for patio furniture today, I mean really, patio furniture in January? What a joke. We're going to Mesquite, NV in a few weeks so I'm hoping that cures a little bit of this. It's meant to be 66 there all week. Also, I know how cliche this is, buuutt my new years goal is to work out every day & get back to a healthy weight and be in shape for all my outdoor activities that I'm planning this summer. Thats all.

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