Monday, January 13, 2014

Spring Fever..

Okay, I love winter. I love the snow, I mean hello I live in Utah of coarse I love the snow but it hasn't really snowed a good snow in about 2 weeks. I need a huge blizzard! If not then lets move on to summer. Mr & I have made it a goal to go do something on his weekends off this summer. Be it hiking, going to Moab, camping, going to our cabin or whatever it is we are taking advantage of our beautiful state. Lately its all I can think about. I mean I am so crazy about summer weather I was shopping for patio furniture today, I mean really, patio furniture in January? What a joke. We're going to Mesquite, NV in a few weeks so I'm hoping that cures a little bit of this. It's meant to be 66 there all week. Also, I know how cliche this is, buuutt my new years goal is to work out every day & get back to a healthy weight and be in shape for all my outdoor activities that I'm planning this summer. Thats all.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

today is the day!

so.. let me take you back, I was 5 years old looking in the nursery of the labor & delivery ward of the hospital at my cousin sleeping. fast forward almost 20 years and he's about to go on his LDS mission. he will spend the next 2 years of his life serving the lord and the people of Omaha, Nebraska & get this, he gets to go to the MTC in mexico & learn spanish! lucky duck. i was lucky enough to take their family pictures last weekend, i kept him in a suit for all of them because i wanted to set him apart. he'll spend the next 2 years other than p-days in suits so i hope he likes them.

Nathan, I just want to take a minute to say how proud I am of you for faithfully & selflessly serving the Lord, you will be a blessing to the people of Omaha & are a blessing to your family. Good luck & God bless. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Okay, so I took a hiatus I guess.. #slacker
I took these pictures of my cousins family a couple weeks ago & we were magically able to get a smaller canvas print done for Christmas (the main one showed up like the day after.. lame) for my Aunt. From what I know, she cried because she was so happy to get them. Talk about heart warming. All in all it was a great time, it was about 3 degrees outside and so darn sunny I was ready to scream but everyone was good about it. I was just happy that we got 26 people in the same picture. It made for some good ones though :)

Yay for everyone! 

Love this of my aunt & uncle

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