Sunday, April 27, 2014

Varsity Cup

they won. they are going to the varsity cup. i am so excited about rugby this season there really are no words. i always love this weekend, its my dads birthday weekend & rugby semi finals. it also happens to be finals week at BYU so these boys are putting in their dues. our graduating seniors have family in town, took their finals, walked with their class & shut out The Naval Academy 60-0 on a pitch that had continuous rain for about 10 hours. its a beautiful thing. every year my mom asks my dad what he wants for his birthday and its always the same thing, for the boys to make it to the finals. for the last 9 years they have done that. so from the bottom of my heart to the boys who have played rugby at BYU for the last 23 years, thank you. you have given my dad many happy birthdays.

the varsity cup is an elite rugby division that features eight of the most recognized teams in collegiate rugby. of the 33 years of collegiate rugby in the US 31 of those national championships have been won by a varsity cup team. the championship game will be played at Rio Tinto 3rd of May and broadcast live on NBC just after the Kentucky Derby. you can click here for tickets & more information.

also, did i mention it rained. like i thought i was back in ireland rained. i loved it.

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